24 September 2022

Kings of War - First Mantic Clash

We've been painting up some Mantic Games Orcs and Forces of the Abyss to play their very popular 'Kings of War' rules. 

To be honest, I was sceptical at first. That said, Mantic are Nottingham based, so I was absolutely determined to give the system a go. 

I have to say that the figures are great value for money, a lot of them of them (especially the hero/characters) are fantastic sculpts, and the rules are instinctive, sensible and GREAT fun!

This system is highly recommended!

(Excuse the 'stat cards' littering the battlefield. This was our first game and we had to refer to the unit stats quite a lot).

More images from a recent game:


  1. Nice work on those! Two good looking armies.

    As for stat cards, I highly recommend ditching then and using Easy Army or TacticalWargames list building programs instead. As well as allowing you to quickly tally up your army, it will put all your units' info on one sheet as well as explaining all special rules and Magic items. I believe all the players in Chicago Skirmish Wargames' KOW campaign are using one or the other.

    Hope you continue to enjoy KoW!

  2. Just went onto 'Mantic List Editor' and created a list. It's great. Thanks again.
