Showing posts with label Flames of War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flames of War. Show all posts

16 January 2024

More Mid War WWII

Another Flames of War Game. This time 200 points on an 8'x6' table. This worked a bit better than the Team Yankee game we tried on the same sized table, although the infantry are pretty useless in that all they can really do is hold objectives.

The Soviets eventually won by KO'ing one Ferdinand, the second one failing its morale test, stripping the Germans of their best unit.

09 January 2024

WWII Mid War Eastern Front - Flames of War

This was one of the most exciting games of FoW in a long time. The initiative swayed too and forth right up until the end, until the Germans eventually landed the knock out blow. 

The stars of the show were some German 7.5cm infantry guns that held up the Soviet surge for several turns, knocking out a couple of T34s (with rear shots) and a few BA10s in the process. The knock out blow was delivered by the PzIIs when they arrived from reserve and shredded the Russian infantry holding the objective.

It was also nice to see the Germans uniformly kitted out in feldgrau, rather than the late war dunkelgelb.

29 November 2023

Monday Games - Flames of War and Rebels & Patriots 'The War of 1812'

 A couple of interesting games were hosted on Monday night:

28 February 2023

Monday Games - Byzantines Make and Appearance and Comets vs Panthers

There were three games at the club on Monday night - Medieval, using Lion Rampant and two Flames of War WWII games, one mid war, one late.

The Byzantines defeated the Normans in this classic medieval face-off. A German SS formation narrowly defeated a British Comet formation and a swarm of Honeys was witnessed in the mid war game.