Showing posts with label Napoleonics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Napoleonics. Show all posts

11 September 2024

Speed Play Napoleonics - Wagram (part)

In this interesting scenario, the French had to assault the Austrians, who were lying in wait on the far side of a hill. The French managed to carry the day by aggressively thrusting at the Austrian artillery line. Their momentum took them into the Austrian columns, which mostly broke on contact.

03 July 2024

Monday Night Games

Napoleonics dominated this evening. In the main scenario, the French cavalry managed to charge across the bridge and rout their Prussian counterparts. The Prussians had difficulty in deploying their infantry, due to congestion on the road, providing the French with more time to ford the river and drive the Germans from the field.

11 June 2024

Napoleonics - The Russians and Prussians in Alliance

In this moderately large game a force of Russians and Prussians took on the French. The Russian cavalry was successful on their left wing and the Prussian cavalry seemed to get the better of some confused cavalry melees in the centre. The Allied right flank never really engaged with the French left flank.

All in all, the game was a bit too large to complete in one evening, which is a shame as there was still some interesting fighting to be done. The Allies would have had to grapple with how to deal with the French grand battery in the centre and would have needed to have been much more aggressive with their infantry to have secured a result.

12 March 2024

1812 Napoleon's Invasion of Russia

1812 era Russians made their first appearance on the club battlefield last night. Unfortunately, they weren't successful. 

On their left flank their Lithuanian Uhlans were routed and a horse artillery battery was captured by some incredibly brave French Hussars. On their right flank an incompetent brigade commander failed to advance his command on a number of turns, complicated by the fact that their supporting cavalry didn't seem to do much, save engage in some elaborate dressage!

The centre of the line held out reasonably well, but started to crack as the French moved excess forces in from the flanks to aid their frontal assault.

Never mind. The Russians, merely retired from the field of battle, leading the French invaders further into the endless vastness of continental Russia.