11 May 2021

Boeotian War 378-371 BC – Thebes vs Sparta

Sparta clashes with Thebes in this classic historical match-up. The game was another one of our online club games. This period has proved popular for online games as they are easy to set up and relatively straightforward for players to command their forces.

In this clash the Thebans made good use of marshy ground on their right flank to slow the Peloponnesian advance down and massed their superior cavalry on their left flank to sweep the Spartan cavalry from the field. The centre was hotly contested but a stubborn unit of allied Boeotian hoplites (despite being inferior and unreliable) held out long enough for the Sacred Band to land the knock-out blow to the Lacedemonians.

Player View

Cavalry Melee 


The Theban Phalanx including the Sacred Band


  1. Very nice! Very clean, too. Impressive. Presuming 28mm? What rules were employed? Agree, there is nothing quite like a hoplite "shoving match" to clear the head and cleanse the palette. Professor Hanson did a study of Epa - ??, that general who really took it to Sparta. Scenario rich material.
    Thanks again for posting.


  2. Yes, 28mm. Mostly Victrix with some Foundry. Homemade club rules. I think you are referring to the Theban general, Epaminondas, who is somewhat overlooked, but was certainly one of the earliest historically recorded great commanders and military tacticians.
