Some photos of a game played a few years ago, which assumes that NATO and Warsaw Pact forces continue to fight even after a nuclear strike.
30 October 2024
12 December 2023
WWIII Team Yankee - Mutual Obliteration on an 8' x 6' Table
We played Team Yankee on a double size board with 200 points per side to see what would happen. Mutual obliteration is what happened!
Both sides - Soviets vs Americans - went heavy on air assets, which skewed the game somewhat. Initially the American air arm ran amok amongst the Soviet armour, knocking out a whole company of T64s by the second turn.
The Soviet reserves arrived first, in the form of some T80s which, along with some BMP1s, managed to flank their opponent, enabling them to take out the American Chaparral air defence systems. Also, eventually the Russian Gophers, Shilkas and Gremlin missiles managed to weaken the US helicopter force (helped by the fact that the Warthogs failed to show up for a few turns). The 'Krokodils' (Hinds) then made an appearance, taking out a couple of M1A1HCs, but by that time, there weren't that many ground forces left on the table.
In the end we gave a 'winning draw' to the Americans.
I'm not sure we would play 'big game' Team Yankee again with just two players (as it was a bit of a slog), and we would probably seek to introduce a few other special rules to allow for the larger spaces involved - along with limiting the amount of air assets allowed.
08 August 2023
Soviets Emerge Triumphant - WWIII action
This was a real nail biter of a match, that wasn't settled until the last shot of the game. The Soviets pressed their attack remorselessly, taking heavy casualties in the process, but eventually overcame their American opponents. The stars of the show were the Russian AA 'Gophers' who shot down three A10s (the final one being shot down by an infantry 'Gremlin' missile team). The disappointments of the day were the M1A1s who only arrived on the table too late to save the day.
17 February 2023
A Soviet Steam Roller in Action c.1985
Witness the incredible impact of a well organised Soviet steam roller obliterate a defending American force in this WWIII Team Yankee game. The Yanks did manage to take out most of the T64s, but by that stage the Soviet infantry had managed to infiltrate deeply into the US back line, securing objectives and KO'ing AA and artillery assets.
Everyone of them, a hero of the USSR!
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