Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fantasy. Show all posts

12 March 2025

Good vs Evil : Midgard

Midgard is all the rage at the moment and this game saw the forces of Evil (Skeletons and Orcs) defend the heights against the forces of Good (Humans and Elves). The Skeletons looked as if they were about to be swept from the high ground, but their ability to regenerate helped them remain in position just long enough for the Orc reserves to arrive to save the day. The humans deployed unfavourably, which delayed their ability to charge home with their cavalry. The climax of the game came when the enslaved war trolls (already damaged by the fall of a towering Dragon upon them) finally ran out of steam, and were butchered, along with the Elven C-in-C.

05 February 2025

Monday Night Games - Lion Rampant vs Dragon Rampant

Two narrowly fought contests were played out on Monday night. An group of marauding Arabs held off a concerted assault by a Frankish army, whilst a force of angry Skeletons just about defeated the Elven host. The former was played with Lion Rampant; the later with Dragon Rampant. Both are Osprey rule sets.

One of the highlights of the night was witnessing a couple of enslaved war trolls being goaded and whipped into battle by a couple of Elven women. Needless to say, this tactic didn't work that well. Both trolls were hacked to pieces by the nasty Skeletons.

14 January 2025

Anglo-Saxons Rule OK!

 ...well in Midgard, at any rate. This was our first foray into the TooFatLardies 'Midgard Heroic Battles' wargame rules, which a number of us have picked up recently.

This battle saw an early Saxon force demolish a gruesome Orc warband pretty convincingly. The Orcs appeared to be numerous, but of fairly poor quality. The Saxon shield wall held firm and was actually able to take the offensive to defeat the hideous fiends. I have to admit, that upon reflection on the points values, the Orcs may have been short one unit, but who's counting anyway!

The rules seemed to flow pretty well and there are a number of fun mechanics which provide for a more narrative style of game. A number of us have armies that can be, or are currently in, conversion for use in Midgard, so I am sure we will see more action in this historical/mythical/fantasy period!

18 November 2022

40K and KoW Photo Dump

A couple of battles played on a new 6x4 reversible battle mat from This one has a ruined imperial city on one side and a 'fall-out’ zone on the reverse side. Two mats for the price of one (almost)!

A 2,000 point Warhammer 40,000 Necrons vs Death Watch Space Marines Chapter

A 2,000 point Kings of War game between blue Ogres and some Daemonic Forces of the Abyss

More Kings of War….