This was a fun scenario from Osprey' skirmish level rules, Pikeman's Lament. The Parliamentarians had to capture a Royalist skonce before the Cavalier relief party arrived. Despite the Roundheads' storming parties managing to successfully enter the fortification, neutralising the gun and some commanded shot, the Royalist relieving force arrived in time to save the day.
23 July 2024
26 March 2024
ECW - The Rising of John Lambert, 1660
We had a very interesting 'what if' re-fight of the last 'confrontation' of the English Civil War at the club meeting on Monday night.
The historical background is complicated, but Major General John Lambert lead an ill fated attempt to resist the Restoration of the Monarchy in the years following the death of the Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell.
His (rebel) Parliamentarian Army disintegrated in the face of the (government) Pro-Restoration army, commanded by Ingoldsby, in Northamptonshire and the battle, as such, never really joined.
We decided to play the game out and see what might have happened. At the start of the game, two units of horse swopped sides, complicating matters for both commanders. Lambert's forces got the better of the firefight and skirmishes on either side of the brook. Lambert's reinforcements arrived to put further pressure on the enemy, by which time some of Ingoldsby's units had started to flee the field.
Therefore, in our game, history was reversed. Lambert was victorious and was able to continue on his march to London to resist Parliament's dastardly attempts to restore the Monarchy!
05 February 2021
The Battle of "Lockdown Moor" - Running a Socially Distanced ECW Game
(Fictitious) Battle of "Lockdown Moor", 1643
Once Upon a Time in The West….Riding……
In the summer of 1643, both Royalist and Parliamentarian
forces operating in the West Riding of Yorkshire, had hoped to secure the
rotten town of Lockdown for their respective causes. The highly independently
minded and non-aligned Clubmen Associations of Lockdown violently denied access
to the town and successfully fended off such attempts. The opposing forces from
both sides met in battle on the nearby ‘Lockdown Moor’. Both sides had extended
their supply lines and, with access to Lockdown denied, must defeat the enemy on
this very day!
Royalists Commander:
Earl of Newcastle Deputies:
General James King Foot Regiment:
Veterans, 4 pike, 4 shot Regiment
Trained, 4 pike, 2 shot Horse Regiment:
Veteran Gallopers, 6 bases Regiment:
Trained Trotters, 5 bases Regiment:
Trained Gallopers, 4 bases Artillery 1 x medium
gun, trained 1 x light
gun, trained |
Parliamentarians Commander: Lord Fairfax Deputies: Sir Fairfax (Son) and General John
Gifford Foot Regiment:
Trained, 4 pike, 4 shot Regiment:
Trained 2 pike, 4 shot Regiment:
Raw, 6 shot Horse Regiment: Trained trotters, 4 bases Regiment: Raw trotters, 4 bases Dragoons Trained, 5
bases |
Scenario Notes:
Hedges are only 4ft - 5ft
high, can be seen through and are fairly sparse. They count as soft cover if
fired through for all save troops positioned immediately up against them.
The town of Lockdown cannot
be entered. The battle will be on a c.5’ x 4’ table.
Ok, first off, I’m an old ‘ historical miniatures hand’ . I’ve never done ‘fantasy’ wargaming, as it were. My son has been interested in s...
Three games at the club on Monday night. Two Flames of War and a very interesting game set in the French Revolutionary Wars - French vs Russ...
A couple of games were hosted on Monday night, In a Napoleonics battle, a Prussian army narrowly defeated a French force by holding out agai...
At the club, a refight of the Battle of The clouds during the American War of Independence was hosted. The British seemed to have the unenvi...
In this blistering encounter, the Prussians secured a convincing win against their brave French opponents. In a race to secure control of a ...
A brand new army graced the table - The Saxons - in this Napoleonics encounter. The Saxons, supported by some French heavy cavalry, went toe...