08 March 2022

Judge Dredd - I am (Was) The Law!

In this fun game set in the 2000AD Judge Dredd universe of Mega-City One, the powers of law enforcement, in the shape of Judge Dredd and a number of supporting street judges, moved in to break up the illegal activities of a particularly nasty block gang. As you can imagine, a fierce fire fight ensued.

Dredd himself blew away every felon he came across, although his supporting cast were all shot down. In the end Dredd himself met his doom from some well aimed grenade launcher strikes and an expertly wielded drop-chain, in the hand of one of the gang bosses.

The mechanics of the game took some time to get used to, but once we became familiar with them, they worked well, although there always seemed to be 'one step too many' in some of the die rolling procedures. Other than that, it's a highly recommended skirmish game package from Warlord Games.


01 March 2022

A Very Forlorn Hope at Cheriton, 1644

In this highly entertaining game, we refought the Battle of Cheriton, 1644. One of the members painted up some 15mm ECW (Warrior Miniatures, I think), that had remained on his lead pile, unpainted, for a couple of decades, over the lockdown period. This was their first outing.

In keeping with the 'Old School' feel of the figures and period, we used the rules 'Forlorn Hope', a vintage set that utilises multiple tables and charts. Despite some of us having used them a lot 20 years ago, they really showed their age, and we found it difficult to plod through the tedious melee mechanisms, in particular.

That said, it was a lot of fun and a reminder of how (most) rule sets have improved greatly over the last number of years.

25 February 2022

Visit to Central London Wargames Club

 I was staying down in London for a few days on a work-related trip. I took the opportunity to pop in to see the guys at the above club, which meets every Thursday evening in the function room of a pub near Mornington Crescent tube station - see their web page for details. 

There were three really interesting games being played. One was a fictional clash between the Royal Navy anD the Russian navy at the time of the Russo Japanese War; another an Ancients game between the Byzantines and Arab, and a fun sci fi game of Stargrave, which benefited from great, largely home made terrain.

The members were great fun and very friendly. Pop along if you live in London or are visiting the capital.

15 February 2022

!Viva Franco! - Another win for the (slightly more) efficient Nationalists

The players swopped sides this time, although the Nationalists prevailed again. Despite having superior armour, one of the Republican T26s permanently broke down, whilst a Nationalist captured T26 took out an enemy armoured car and performed a solo flanking manoeuvre.

The highlight of the encounter was probably the when the CV33 tankettes came out fighting by machine gunning and 'flamethrowing' an International Brigade Company caught out in the open, completely annihilating them.

In the end the better quality of the Nationalists, and slightly better infantry support weapons, ensured another victory for the Francoists.

!Viva Espana!

Spanish Civil War Wargame