02 February 2022

Prussians in action

The Prussians make an appearance in this game and they performed rather well. The highlight of the battle was When a regiment of Prussian lancers routed a regiment of French dragoons.


30 January 2022

Team Yankee - Iran Iraq War

The Iraqis suffered a heavy defeat in this 'modern' game using Team Yankee rules. The Iranians delivered a left flank attack spearheaded by Chieftains, supported by TOW jeeps, which enabled their infantry to assault and take the objective. The Iraqi T72s were a big disappointment and could hardly land a blow against the Iranian M60s.

Also of note was the appearance of Cobra and Crocodile (Hind) attack helicopters. The Cobras had some limited success before falling prey to the Crocodiles. The Crocks had the run of the table thereafter, although failed to KO anything other than a solitary Chieftain.

Interestingly, both armies have some decent modern equipment, for the 1980s, although their training and skill levels leave a lot to be desired. The Iranians have better morale and can remount 'bailed out' vehicles more easily, which also helped give them the edge in this game.


24 January 2022

Dark Age Clash - Lion Rampant

 Marauding Vikings get the better of brave Saxons.

18 January 2022

Spanish Civil War - "Arriba Espana!" - A Convincing Nationalist Victory

In this exciting encounter between the Nationalists and Republicans, Nationalist superior resolve, tank crew training and overall generalship carried the day. Highlights included a CV33 tankette knocking out a T26 with a flamethrower; a text book assault on a defended farm by the Foreign Legion, well supported by artillery, mortars and tankettes; combat in and around a church, which changed hands a couple of times as Carlist Requetes and Communist International Brigadiers fought for control; two T26s breaking down and remaining stuck in unfavourable positions.

All figures are by Empress Miniatures. Tanks are by Warlord Games, mostly. Rules used are Rapid Fire (with SCW appropriate special rules).