11 September 2024

Speed Play Napoleonics - Wagram (part)

In this interesting scenario, the French had to assault the Austrians, who were lying in wait on the far side of a hill. The French managed to carry the day by aggressively thrusting at the Austrian artillery line. Their momentum took them into the Austrian columns, which mostly broke on contact.

23 August 2024

Necromunda Skirmish

One of the club members painted up a couple of gangs for 'Necromunda', as well as scratch building some excellent grim dark terrain pieces. We played through a somewhat simplified version of the rules just to get started with it and found it to be a lot of fun.

15 August 2024

Mutant Zone Wars II

Having now painted the character figures, we fought the next post-apocalyptic scenario/mission in the rule book. This was a bit of a lop-sided affair. The GenLab tribe (animal-human mutation experiments 'gone wrong') had a disastrous second turn, with two of their gang members being knocked out in quick succession. The Mechatron Hive (displaced and confused robots following the apocalypse) won handsomely by securing and holding most of the objectives.

So far we have had lots of fun with this game. It has some interesting game mechanics, great characters and miniatures and outrageously random events. The scenarios also seem well balanced.

Retreat from Fort William Henry - French Indian Wars

This was a recreation of the retreat of British forces from Fort William Henry. The British had been granted safe passage to Ford Edward by their French adversaries, but were attacked en route by the Indian allies of the French in a dastardly betrayal of the surrender terms at Fort William Henry!

In this refight, it looked like His Majesty's forces forced their way through, pushing the dishonourable Indians - and any accompanying Frenchmen - aside.

10 August 2024

British Historical Games Society - Britcon2024 - Our Franco Prussian Demo

This event, held in the epicentre of the 'Lead Belt' in Nottingham City Centre (Nottingham Trent University), just gets bigger and better! Great competition games and scenery, superb trader stalls, interesting demo games, dedicated 'Perry' and 'Two Fat Lardies' rooms, a bring and buy stall etc etc.....what more could you want?!

We ran a Franco-Prussian demonstration game in which the Prussians eventually managed to eke out the narrowest of victories after suffering horrendous casualties.