08 August 2024

Mutant Zone Wars

Somewhat of a departure form our normal wargames, but here is an initial run through the post apocalyptic skirmish game 'Mutant Zone Wars', that has been based off the popular RPG, 'Mutant: Year Zero'.

In this game you command a small team of mutant scavengers, of various description, that must search for artefacts, kill other scavengers whilst avoid being killed themselves by other mutants or dangers lurking in the Zone.

This was much more fun than expected! The game play is heavily dependent on cards, which actually works very well. The figures come in the box with a degree of a 'dry brush' shaded look from the manufacturing practice, which is interesting. We will, at some point, get round to painting the miniatures, which will add to the feel of the game and setting.

30 July 2024

Elizabethan Irish Wars - An undignified scramble to escape the enemy

In this scenario an English Army has been harried all the way from Dublin on its way to reach a defended fort 'up country'. The Irish have finally pulled together a big enough force to close on the English.

The English managed to escape across the river ford with the cavalry, a unit of shot and the majority of the baggage.

Of special note was the brave rear guard stand by some Dublin colonists, buying some vital time for the rest of the force to escape; the utterly cowardly actions of the English cavalry, who escaped across the ford as quickly as possible without helping their colleagues; and the ghastly, selfish behaviour of the Galloglaigh who, upon reaching the enemy baggage, spent two turns looting the train whilst ignoring the rest of the battle.

23 July 2024

Nottingham Wargames Club at Britcon 2024, 9-12th August


Nottingham Wargame Club will again be supporting this year's 'highly successful 'Britcon'. We will be hosting a Franco Prussian War display game on the Saturday 10th August. Come along and say 'hello'.

The website link for the event:

Britcon - The BHGS' Biggest Event of the Year - British Historical Games Society

English Civil War - Pikeman's Lament

This was a fun scenario from Osprey' skirmish level rules, Pikeman's Lament. The Parliamentarians had to capture a Royalist skonce before the Cavalier relief party arrived. Despite the Roundheads' storming parties managing to successfully enter the fortification, neutralising the gun and some commanded shot, the Royalist relieving force arrived in time to save the day.

09 July 2024

Internal Byzantine Strife

This was a scenario taken from the Lion Rampant 2nd Edition rule book. The figures are mostly from the excellent Fire Forge range.