25 June 2024

WWII - Canadians in Normandy

In this well-balanced scenario, a Canadian force had to defend a number of villages against Germans who were attempting a counter attack some days after D-Day. The scenario comes form the Rapid Fire! website, which provides a number of freely downloadable scenarios. These have clearly been well play tested, as they always seem to provide a close game.

In the end, the Germans managed to secure a win. Principally this was because an entire battalion of Canadians defending one of the villages failed a morale test - after their HQ was KO'd - and desert their posts, leaving the village to the Germans! That said, the arrival of 5 Panthers also helped decide the day.

18 June 2024

Franco Prussian War - Krupps Reign Supreme

In this blistering encounter, the Prussians secured a convincing win against their brave French opponents. In a race to secure control of a village, both sides had two infantry regiments, with accompanying artillery, although the Prussians benefited from larger battalions, a battalion of Jaegers and two regiments of cavalry, rather than one. They also could rely on the power of a number of 4pdr and 6pdr Krupp batteries.

The French reached the village first, but were unable to make much of a defensive position of it. The Prussian right flank emerged from the woods, but decided to retire back into the cover when they were raked with Chassepot and Mitrailleuse fire. On the Prussian left flank, the Cuirassiers managed to get the better of the French Chasseurs d'Afrique in a flanking manoeuvre.

In reality, the game was probably won in the centre where two well positioned Krupp batteries were able to decimate a number of exposed French line battalions and a battery of French artillery. The poor French weren't really able to make the most of their deadly Chassepot at longer ranges.

The Franco-Prussian War offers a lot of scenario opportunities and, with the differing troop type classifications, coupled with the respective advantages of the weapons carried, this provides the wargamer with lots to think about.....

11 June 2024

Napoleonics - The Russians and Prussians in Alliance

In this moderately large game a force of Russians and Prussians took on the French. The Russian cavalry was successful on their left wing and the Prussian cavalry seemed to get the better of some confused cavalry melees in the centre. The Allied right flank never really engaged with the French left flank.

All in all, the game was a bit too large to complete in one evening, which is a shame as there was still some interesting fighting to be done. The Allies would have had to grapple with how to deal with the French grand battery in the centre and would have needed to have been much more aggressive with their infantry to have secured a result.