04 June 2024

Rapid Fire! - A Scenario Available Online

Rapid Fire! games are one of the 'old dependables' of the club. Most of us know the rules, have quite a lot of vehicles and figures in 20mm and we can easily finish a game in an evening, with plenty of time for idle chit chat between turns.

In this scenario the Germans managed to secure a win with quite aggressive use of two Panthers, coupled with a gruesome display of effective flamethrower usage (at least 12 British infantry were incinerated by this terrible weapon). For the British, they just seemed to lack suitable AT to take on the Panthers effectively.

14 May 2024

First Foray into Franco-Prussian

This was a modest sized game set in the Franco-Prussian War, 1870. A French regiment with three battalions had to defend a hamlet and ridge line against a Brigade of 6 Prussian battalions. Both sides had supporting artillery. The primary objective was to test the club rules variant to ensure a relatively authentic battle and outcome.

The French held on stoically, but were eventually overrun by the advancing Prussians, who deployed in a combination of line and attack columns, with skirmish screen. Nevertheless, the heaps of Prussian dead at the end of the game, attested to the superiority of the Chassepot rifle.

With regards the rules, I think that the Prussian Krupp guns need to be improved to align with their prowess in the period.

06 May 2024

Mamluks v Mongols

A 13th century paring of the Mamluk Sultanate against the Mongol Ilkhanate using Lion Rampant wargame rules.

The two large cavalry forces faced off against each other on one flank, the infantry on the other. The mounted Mamluks eventually got the better of their opponents, even though they lost their commander. Likewise the Mamluk infantry was victorious, primarily due to their superior archery.

This is a very colourful period, with interesting troop types, little gamed by wargamers.

The Osprey rules were probably tested to their limit in this game, as they aren't really intended for larger battles, such as this. The shooting did appear to be overly powerful, which skewed the game somewhat. That said, everyone had fun, which is the main thing.

23 April 2024

Firefight Meets 40K Meets Necromunda Meets....Mad Max

In this game, using Games Workshop figures and Mantic rules, a punitive expedition of Astra Militarum is send into the Wastelands of Necromunda to bring a despicable gang of Cultist Raiders to heel after they have been harrying and ravaging urban dwellers on this ghastly planet.

The diabolically deranged Cultists almost managed to overwhelm the regulars through their sheer brute force and outright fanaticism, but eventually the Militarum's superior firepower and organisation shredded their demonically possessed attacks piecemeal.

This group of Cultists were defeated, but there are plenty more out there in the Wastelands that must be eradicated...