06 September 2022

A 'Spanish Ulcer' Special - Peninsular Napoleonics

 At the club, we had two games set in the Peninsular War. 

In the first game, we had a recreation of the battle of Medina de Rioseco, 1808. The French attacked with gusto but found it difficult to dislodge the Spaniards from the heights on the way to the town. Eventually the Spanish were dislodged, but not before causing serious damage to a French Brigade and neutering their cavalry arm. 

The second game was a generic match between the French and an Anglo-Portuguese force. the outcome of this game was undecided by the end of the evening.

23 August 2022

A Stargrave Double Bill

At the club we had a double billing of Stargrave.

In one of the games the crews fought to retrieve loot form a spaceship that had crashed on a strange planet with jungle-like terrain. The job of the crews was further complicated by the appearance of giant clumps of vegetation that could swallow a man whole.

In the second game, set in an abandoned Orc shanty town/scrap heap, the crews were hampered by random frenzied attacks from Tyranids that had infected the site.

Stargave is completely miniature agnostic, so you can pretty much use anything, in terms of figures and scenery, as long as it is roughly to scale.

13 August 2022

Massacre on the Marne, 1914 - Nottingham Wargames Club at Britcon2022

We hosted a presentation game at Britcon2022 at Nottingham Trent University. Great event. This was the first year at the new venue for Britcon, but we can definitely see this event growing and growing. Fantastic state-of-the-art venue. Relaxed, friendly vibe. Superb line-up of traders. Lots of room to break out and chat with other wargamers. Interesting new game concepts. Easily accessible city centre location. 

One to put into the wargame event diary for a mid summer trip to the 'home of wargaming' (the Lead Belt) Nottingham!

In our Battle of the Marne, 1914 game, the Germans, after struggling initially against the lethal rapid fire from the French 75mm artillery, hit home and routed the French, sending them back for one last gasp defence of Paris.

20mm figures - mostly HaT, Zvezda, Strelets and Airfix.

Battle of the Marne 1914 Wargame