29 November 2022

Repulse at Lecco, 1799 - French Revolutionary Wars

This game was inspired by Christopher Duffy's book "Eagles Over The Alps - Suvorov in Italy and Switzerland, 1799".

The French Revolutionary Wars provide a really interesting sub-period for the wargamer, the variations in uniforms adding a pleasant twist to the wider 'Napoleonic' period.

Some great scenery and figures on display here. Of particular note is the Italian-style town and the gun emplacements - all scratch built.

WWIII Team Yankee - T80s perform. M1A1s don't show up.

A T80 tank Battalion took on a US Mechanised force fielding M1A1s, M113s and Apaches. The mission rolled was 'Probe'. This enabled the Soviets to attack, with scattered immediate reserves, whilst the Americans defended with scattered delayed reserves. The US player kept the M1s in reserve; the Russian player rolled in his reserves in his first turn, which enabled him to deploy all of the available T80s form the onset. 

The T80s were left to run amuck for three turns, assaulting the US infantry off their objective and taking out a few Bradley scouts. In a crucial dice role, the Americans failed to bring in their reserves, giving the Soviets yet another turn to secure the objective and win the game. Also mentioned in despatches, the Soviet AA Gophers, took out the 2 Apache attack helicopters and the Sergeant Yorks which took down 3 out of the 4 SU-25s. Other than that, the T80s, whilst very expensive in points, were the stars of the show - for once!

This was another one of those games that could have swung either way on a number of key dice roles, but the failure of the M1s to show up signalled defeat for the Americans.

22 November 2022

WWI - Based on Le Cateau, 1914

In this exciting attack defence game, a British brigade, supported by an understrength Belgian regiment, valiantly held off waves of attacking Boche. British marksmanship, witnessed in their 'mad minute', along with deadly artillery fire broke up the German formations. The brave Belgians not only defended effectively, but actually went on the offensive as the Germans reeled back from an unsuccessful assault.

As for the Boche, they experienced movement blockages, caused by the terrain and poor command and control. Their cavalry was deployed inappropriately, and their artillery performed disappointingly.

Figures are all 20mm - a mix between Zvezda, Strelets, HaT and Airfix. The rules are homemade.

Le Cateau 1914 Wargame

18 November 2022