18 November 2022

40K and KoW Photo Dump

A couple of battles played on a new 6x4 reversible battle mat from battlemat.eu. This one has a ruined imperial city on one side and a 'fall-out’ zone on the reverse side. Two mats for the price of one (almost)!

A 2,000 point Warhammer 40,000 Necrons vs Death Watch Space Marines Chapter

A 2,000 point Kings of War game between blue Ogres and some Daemonic Forces of the Abyss

More Kings of War….

08 November 2022

Monday Night Games - Dark Ages in Wales, Napoleonics, Flames of War

Normans vs Welsh

Some atmospheric Welsh terrain on display in this Dark Ages game. A Norman Lord leads his forces into the Welsh Marches, only for the cunning Welshmen to rebut them, showing them who's boss. The scenario was taken form the Wargames Soldiers and Strategy magazine.


A Prusso-Austrian army narrowly defeat a French force in a classic river crossing based scenario.

WWII - Flames of War

A T34/85 Tank Battalion is massacred by a British army from the new 'Bulge' Book, raising further questions as to the ability of Soviet armies to compete against their Western counterparts, in points terms. That, or very poor table top generalship! Some interesting British units made an appearance, including 'Land Mattresses' and a jeep-born SAS unit.