02 June 2022

BattleTech Mech Frenzy

Another epic clash of BattleMechs in this game of BattleTech Alpha Strike.
A lot of big hitter Mechs, including Atlas, Marauder and Dire Wolf, were taken down pretty early, with a couple of cataclysmic Mech explosions to provide some fun cinematic moments.

A brutal battle in a destroyed desert city saw a desperate, last minute switch to defence by the Dire Wolf and Kodiak player, to win the game in the tightest of circumstances:

28 May 2022

Dutch Courage

 The Dutchmen scored a victory on their debut against the Soviets in this WWIII Team Yankee encounter. The Leopard 2s had a great game and Hollander morale held up well. 

The Soviets had a poor game. The T80s couldn’t hit anything and didn’t score a single KO all game. Their AA did manage to sweep the NATO Tornados from the skies very effectively, but this success couldn’t be equaled on the ground.

24 May 2022

IS-2s - All bark and no bite

IS-2s made a rare appearance in this late war WWII Flames of War game (they are generally considered too expensive in points to bother with). Let’s just say that they didn’t fail to disappoint! The lumbering monsters advanced to try to clear away some well dug-in and expertly commanded AT guns, but they failed to hit once in two turns of firing. The German AT guns were ruthlessly effective, knocking out three of them. The remaining IS-2 then failed its morale check and ran away.

In FoW, the IS-2 has a worse rate of fire than German equivalents and counts as ‘slow firing’. Furthermore, its gun has a shorter range. Despite the heavy armour, the tank is destined to underperform, as it seems to have done historically. The lovely models (Model Soldier Company) will probably go back into their box until such time as the point values are reduced by the gate keepers at Battlefront.

17 May 2022

Victory from the Jaws of Defeat

Some Flames of War Action. Late War Germans v Soviets. The Soviets, spearheaded by twelve T34/85s found it hard work to tackle a Panzergrenadier army, with lots of AT guns, supported by three SS Tiger Is. The Russians were on the verge of defeat, when an objective was left open by the Germans, only for the two remaining T34s to use their faster speed to race through to take the objective marker, snatching victory form the jaws of defeat.

ECW - A Cavalier Attitude

Tonight we ran an English Civil War game. ECW is always popular – it looks great on tabletop, there is usually an exciting push of pike or clash of horse to keep the punters entertained and, for us, there are always battlefields and/or siege locations nearby to visit. It’s as if it only happened just yesterday…..

In this game the Royalists saw off the less experienced Roundheads with aggressive use of their more confident and cavalier Cavaliers!