19 February 2025

Italian Wars and some Napoleonics

On Monday we had saw some Saxons and French take on The British in a Napoleonics game. We also saw an Italian Wars game, with some Germans and Spanish, defeating the French and Italians.

11 February 2025

A 1ft x 1ft Game squeezed onto a 6ft x 4ft table

In this somewhat unusual scenario, a force of WWII Russians, spearheaded by 2 T34/85s, had to 'escape' off the opposite side of the table. To complicate their objective, a German force had to try and stop them.

Bizarrely, the Germans seemed to have more troops and equipment than the Russians, despite the nature of the Russian objective. Indeed, a number of German units didn't even get into action, they were so numerous. Also, the availability of a road block and barbed wire entanglements forced the Soviets into attempting to leave the table at the only point available to them - the far top corner of the board.

This resulted in practically the entire game being played in the top corner 1ft x 1ft square, leave the rest of the 6' x 4' table free from any combat whatsoever!

At one point this looked like 'shooting fish in a barrel at a turkey shoot' for the Germans, but, to everyone's surprise, when the Victory Points were calculated, the Russians had won by 16 to 14 points. So go figure!

T'au Make an Appearance

The Tau Empire make their first appearance on this 40K battlefield, pitted, as they were, against the ruthless Death Guard. Tau fire power eventually wasted enough of the Death Guard units away to secure a couple of convincing wins in these 1,500 point match-ups.

05 February 2025

Monday Night Games - Lion Rampant vs Dragon Rampant

Two narrowly fought contests were played out on Monday night. An group of marauding Arabs held off a concerted assault by a Frankish army, whilst a force of angry Skeletons just about defeated the Elven host. The former was played with Lion Rampant; the later with Dragon Rampant. Both are Osprey rule sets.

One of the highlights of the night was witnessing a couple of enslaved war trolls being goaded and whipped into battle by a couple of Elven women. Needless to say, this tactic didn't work that well. Both trolls were hacked to pieces by the nasty Skeletons.