A selection of a few games from the last few Monday nights.
30 October 2024
WWIII - Post Nuclear Strike
Some photos of a game played a few years ago, which assumes that NATO and Warsaw Pact forces continue to fight even after a nuclear strike.
15 October 2024
Orktober Fest!
Once again we meet the sophisticated pretty boys of the Galaxy in the month dedicated to their history and culture - 'Orktober'.
In this scenario, a force of Adeptus Mechanicus has been alerted to unwanted Ork activities in the wastes of some God-forsaken planet, and they have been sent to rid the locality of the scourge of this Ork infestation.
Unfortunately, the Orks were on guard and met the Ad Mech with such fanaticism that they completely destroyed the Martian odd-balls unit by unit.
Some say this is 'science fiction', although we contend that this is SCIENCE FACT, as this encounter actually did happen, albeit 38,000 year in the future (!!).
WWII - Big and Small
WWII is a standard favourite at the club. Here are two games - a low level skirmish game in 54mm and a Flames of War game in 15mm.
03 October 2024
Adeptus Mechanicus Vs Death Guard II
Somehow forces of the Adeptus Mechanicus managed to meet a patrol of Plague Marines of the Death Guard on a heavily forested jungle planet and they fought it out in the hot and humid conditions for mastery of the battle grid.
The Ad Mech played for the objectives more effectively than the Plague Marines who, ill-advisedly, concentrated on killing as much as they could. The Ad Mech's strategy was the successful one in the end.
These are two of the weirdest factions in the game and provide an interesting array of different troop types, weapons and strategies. Moreover, they are great fun to paint.
Ok, first off, I’m an old ‘ historical miniatures hand’ . I’ve never done ‘fantasy’ wargaming, as it were. My son has been interested in s...
Three games at the club on Monday night. Two Flames of War and a very interesting game set in the French Revolutionary Wars - French vs Russ...
A couple of games were hosted on Monday night, In a Napoleonics battle, a Prussian army narrowly defeated a French force by holding out agai...
At the club, a refight of the Battle of The clouds during the American War of Independence was hosted. The British seemed to have the unenvi...
In this blistering encounter, the Prussians secured a convincing win against their brave French opponents. In a race to secure control of a ...
A brand new army graced the table - The Saxons - in this Napoleonics encounter. The Saxons, supported by some French heavy cavalry, went toe...