We ran a display game at this year's Britcon. The event was highly successful and was busier than last year. The Nottingham Trent University venue really seems to work well. Here are some photos of our 1/35th scale WWII, along with other images from the event:
13 August 2023
08 August 2023
Ork Fest! - A wonderful Parade Featuring the 'Pretty Boys' of the Galaxy
Don't they look pretty? We'll, they do say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. These excellently painted Games Workshop 40K Orks actually took part in a game of Mantic's 'Firefight' and won.
Soviets Emerge Triumphant - WWIII action
This was a real nail biter of a match, that wasn't settled until the last shot of the game. The Soviets pressed their attack remorselessly, taking heavy casualties in the process, but eventually overcame their American opponents. The stars of the show were the Russian AA 'Gophers' who shot down three A10s (the final one being shot down by an infantry 'Gremlin' missile team). The disappointments of the day were the M1A1s who only arrived on the table too late to save the day.
01 August 2023
French-Indian Wars
A fierce encounter in which the British regulars managed to secure the central stockade, enabling them to win the game. Much of the hard work was actually done by the Indians, who were fighting on both sides. Rules used were Muskets and Tomahawks.
Ok, first off, I’m an old ‘ historical miniatures hand’ . I’ve never done ‘fantasy’ wargaming, as it were. My son has been interested in s...
Three games at the club on Monday night. Two Flames of War and a very interesting game set in the French Revolutionary Wars - French vs Russ...
A couple of games were hosted on Monday night, In a Napoleonics battle, a Prussian army narrowly defeated a French force by holding out agai...
At the club, a refight of the Battle of The clouds during the American War of Independence was hosted. The British seemed to have the unenvi...
In this blistering encounter, the Prussians secured a convincing win against their brave French opponents. In a race to secure control of a ...
A brand new army graced the table - The Saxons - in this Napoleonics encounter. The Saxons, supported by some French heavy cavalry, went toe...