The English, under Sir Conyers Clifford, managed to flip history on its head by defeating the Irish, under Red Hugh O'Donnell, in this game, based on the Battle of Curlew Pass.
In the opening stages, the kern in English employ managed to root out a number of Irish ambushes and see them off, before being routed themselves. The English had to deal with the dastardly Irish trick of creating blockages in the road by felling trees and logs to hinder their advances. Eventually the English managed to overcome these difficulties and push on through to confront the 'bare Irish' holding the higher ground.
Despite a group of Irish calivermen performing well, and a few downhill charges by mercenary Galloglaigh, the rebels were put to flight. Of special note was the English horse who spent the whole game trying to find a route through the broken countryside, only to arrive at the front just as the fighting broke off.
Irish Wars Wargame |
Nine Years War - Gallowglaigh |
Elizabethan Irish Wars Wargame |