This was a refight of a portion of the meat-grinding Battle of Wagram, 1809. In this game, the French onslaught was halted by a staunch Austrian defence. The rule set used are a homemade set of very fast play rules, to enable completion of large games in a 2-2.5 hour window.
26 April 2022
Battle of Aschaffenburg, 1985 - Team Yankee
1985 - Soviet troops enter Aschaffenburg, a town to the south east of Frankfurt, on their relentless drive westwards in this Cold War Gone Hot encounter.
In the first game, American firepower decimated the Soviets as they attempted to close on the enemy, approaching along the relatively narrow streets.
In the second game, The Soviets made a bold dash for one of the objectives and took it. They were helped by terrible die rolls form US Apaches and A10s. The SU-25s made and appearance, knocking out 2 M1A1s, upon which, the third failed morale and was abandoned by its crew.
10 April 2022
WW3 - More Action between 1980s Soviet and US Forces
More slaughter and mayhem, set in a fictitious WWIII setting, using Team Yankee rules.
Some iconic Soviet equipment featured in these couple of engagements - TOS-1 Thermobaric Rocket Launchers, Gaskins/ Strela 1s, Storm ATGW, T80s and Shilka AAs etc.
03 April 2022
Team Yankee - WWIII c.1985
These are a few images of some recent Team Yankee games, featuring a classic match-up between Soviet and US armoured formations in Northern Europe in the mid-late 1980s.
In the first game, the Americans were a bit too 'free and easy' with their M1A1s and let themselves be swamped by the more numerous Soviets, who managed to KO all of the American MBTs.
In the second bout, the US player was more cautious, taking up a defensive stance, whilst letting the Apaches with Hellfire missiles go on the offensive. The Soviets were stripped of their T80s and didn't have the necessary armoured support to enable their infantry to take the objectives. Indeed the US only lost 2 M901s and 2 Apaches the entire game.
Ok, first off, I’m an old ‘ historical miniatures hand’ . I’ve never done ‘fantasy’ wargaming, as it were. My son has been interested in s...
Three games at the club on Monday night. Two Flames of War and a very interesting game set in the French Revolutionary Wars - French vs Russ...
A couple of games were hosted on Monday night, In a Napoleonics battle, a Prussian army narrowly defeated a French force by holding out agai...
At the club, a refight of the Battle of The clouds during the American War of Independence was hosted. The British seemed to have the unenvi...
In this blistering encounter, the Prussians secured a convincing win against their brave French opponents. In a race to secure control of a ...
A brand new army graced the table - The Saxons - in this Napoleonics encounter. The Saxons, supported by some French heavy cavalry, went toe...