Another online club game, this
time set in Burma in 1945.
The British are tasked with
clearing some stubborn Japanese defenders on the drive to Mandalay. They have a
half squadron of Lees, a battalion of Gurkhas and a battery of Royal Artillery
25pdrs to complete the task. The Japanese have 2 depleted infantry battalions dug
in and a company of Chi Ha tanks to frustrate the British. The rules used were
Rapid Fire. Unbelievably, the game was decided on a double six role, enabling a Chi Ha to KO a Lee which determined the game in the Japanese favour.
[Please note that there probably weren’t
any (or very few) historical encounters between Lees and Chi Has in WWII –
certainly not any in which a Chi Ha gets the better of a Lee!]
The British plan takes shape |
Gurkhas advance, kukri knives at the ready |
Stubborn Japanese defenders dug-in |
A dug in Chi Ha |
Close support from a mortar |
Lees and infantry in close support |
A Lee enjoying some battlefield superiority |
Player view on the laptop |
A suicidal lunge mine attack is embarrassingly unsuccessful! |
Chi Ha Shinhotos arrive |
A Lee is KO'd by a Japanese AT gun |
AT gun and KO'd Chi Ha |
Last die roles of the game. A Chi Ha KO's a Lee with a double 6 ! |