19 March 2025

ECW - Based (loosely) on Ripple Field, 1643

It was great to see a 15mm ECW game presented at the club. The game utilised Valour & Fortitude rules, with an ECW variant written by a club member.

In this encounter, very loosely based on Ripple Field, Hopton's Royalists completely routed Waller's Parliamentarians. Nevertheless, in this 'war without enemy', both rival commanders - and lifelong friends - parleyed at a respectful distance after the battle, Waller congratulating Hopton on his victory and the fine turnout of his troops, whilst apologising for the somewhat disappointing performance of his own squadrons. Hopton wished his old friend 'better luck next time' as they retired to their respective camps to enjoy suppers of roast mutton, washed down with the finest of fortified wines.

WWII - 15mm and 20mm

Two WWII games were hosted on Monday night. One using Rapid Fire Reloaded, the other, Flames of War. The FoW game witnessed marauding hordes of Stuarts/Honeys go head-to-head with one another in a US vs British Mid War encounter - there were 28 of them on the table at one point!

12 March 2025

1939 and other games

It was interesting to see some 1939 Poles take the field to defend against the distinctively marked German Panzers of the early war Polish campaign. I think that the Polish infantry, despite shooting up quite a few German infantry units on motorcycles, ran out of anti-tank options and were eventually overrun by their better armed opponents. 

It is believed that there is some Polish armour on one of the club member's painting blocks currently, so hopefully we will see them take to the battlefield soon.

The other games are one set in the Sudan, and a Prussian vs French Napoleonic match-up.

Good vs Evil : Midgard

Midgard is all the rage at the moment and this game saw the forces of Evil (Skeletons and Orcs) defend the heights against the forces of Good (Humans and Elves). The Skeletons looked as if they were about to be swept from the high ground, but their ability to regenerate helped them remain in position just long enough for the Orc reserves to arrive to save the day. The humans deployed unfavourably, which delayed their ability to charge home with their cavalry. The climax of the game came when the enslaved war trolls (already damaged by the fall of a towering Dragon upon them) finally ran out of steam, and were butchered, along with the Elven C-in-C.