05 July 2022

A Classic 1980s Dust Up – Iran vs Iraq

Another great game of Team Yankee which pitted some expertly painted Iranians, equipped with mainly British and American kit, against their arch-rivals, Iraq, equipped with French and Soviet hardware.

Playing to the Dust Up mission, the Iranians attempted a flanking manoeuvre with Scorpions and Chieftains. This was brutally stopped by Iraqi T72s and Saggar missiles, fired from well positioned BMP1s. The Iranians then suffered a series of crucial, unlucky die rolls for both their morale and delayed reserves, enabling a flight of roaming Iraqi Mi-24 Crocodiles/Hinds, equipped with Spiral missiles, to pick off the remaining Chieftains.

Other games this evening included an 18th Century ‘Rebels and Patriots’ game and a FoW game, utilising another combination from the German Bulge book.

28 June 2022

WWII, WWIII and 18th Century

Three games were hosted on Monday evening – Team Yankee, Flames of War and an 18th Century battle set in North America.

In the WWIII clash, the Soviet T62 formation overwhelmed the Dutch defenders with relative ease. The T62 packs a pretty mean 115mm gun, which enables it to knock out most things, even Leopard 2s from the front. The Mi-24s delivered to coup de grace by coming on, after most of the Dutch AA had been stripped away, and KO-ing 2 Leopards. The third one promptly failed morale and ran away, leaving the brave Dutch infantry to their gruesome fate.

21 June 2022

Flames of War – ‘Bulge Germans’ Make An Appearance

On Monday night the Flames of War players brought out their toys, and we saw two German armies from the new Bulge book being fielded.

In one game, a German army consisting mostly of SS Panzer IVs, was defeated by a Soviet tank army with T34/85s, IS2s and a Sturmovik ground attack flight. In the other, a German army with 10 Panthers was defeated by a late war American force.

All in all, a poor night for the Germans.